Every paint layer that is created within M4 has Material Instance settings assigned to it by default. If you follow along with the tutorial on how to create new paint layers using this system, then the same material instance settings will apply to your new paint layer also.
All paint layer settings for the individual layers can be found in the bottom half of the Material Instance applied to the terrain. They are each labeled/grouped by the name that the layer has assigned to it. For example the “Dirt Layer (Painted)” group applies to the Dirt Layer which you can paint on the terrain…the “Grass Layer (Painted)” Applies to the Grass Paint Layer, and so on.
Paint Layer Settings:
Base Color Tint – Controls what color the base diffuse texturing will be tinted with.
Color Brightness – Colors the final out brightness of the coloring.
Displacement Contrast – The sharpness in transition from low and high spots in the displacement of the paint layer.
Displacement Intensity – The amount at which the terrain will be displaced by the displacement map for the paint layer.
Far Scale – The size of texture that will be applied to far away texturing of the layer material.
Height Blend Intensity – Controls the edge blending between where the paint has been applied and where it has not.
Move Full Displacement Up/Down – The amount that the entire displacement (high and low spots) is equally pushed up or down. (can keep feet from going through displacement or fix player floating to a degree.
Near Scale – The size of tiling applied to textures that are close to the character.
Normal Flatness – Controls the intensity of the normal map (1 is completely flat, 0 is regular intensity)
Roughness Intensity – The amount of roughness applied to the overall layer or roughness map used in the painted layer.
To create a new paint layer for your project, follow along with the video tutorial below.