There are many more performance options other than the ones offered in the MagicMapMaterialBP’s details panel. To fine tune the performance settings that you want for your project first click on the terrain, then scroll down to the section called “Landscape Material” and click the Magnifying Glass Icon to locate the Material Instance that the Terrain is using. Open the Landscape’s Material Instance.
In the Material Instance you’ll see many many settings, we’ll go into all of these a bit later. For now, just scroll down to a section called “Performance Settings”. Here you’ll find all of the different toggles which make up the Performance Presets.
Each of these features increases the visual fidelity of the terrain overall, but at the cost of performance, as each technique takes more time to compute. As some of the names are a bit vague, lets start going over what each performance toggle actually does. The list below starts diving into the Performance Settings list in more detail.
Material Instance Performance Settings
- Enable Auto Foothill Height Blending?
Allows for grass or snow or sand to pop up through the low points of the foothill texture. This utilizes the displacement texture of the foothills to achieve this effect.
- Enable Beach Tiling Reduction?
Note: This is only visible if “Enable Beaches” is toggled.
This reduces the noticeable tiling of textures used on the Beach Layer by using a noise pattern to combine differently scaled versions of the beach texturing.
- Enable Beaches?
Enables the beach computation, so that it can be blended into the terrain based on Z-axis height.
- Enable Displacement for Top Layer? (Flatland Top Layer)
Enables displacement, and displacement texture settings for the Flatlands Top Layer (grass on the Island Biome Preset)
- Enable Distance Based Texturing for Foothills?
Enables the ability to change the texture scale and normal map intensity for the Foothill Texture Set when viewed from a distance. This breaks up tiling caused by viewing the Foothills at a distance.
- Enable Distance Based Untiling for Top Layer? (UV skewing) (Flatland Top Layer)
Skews the Top Layer (Grass on the Island Biome Preset) texture at a distance, basically mixing it up to hide tiling caused by repeating grass, sand, or snow textures.
- Enable Dual Coloring & Normal Mapping for Bottom Layer? (Flatland Bottom Layer)
Triggers the ability to use a secondary color on the Flatland Bottom Layer (Dirt on the Island Biome Preset). This adds to the overall variation in texture coloring giving more realism to the mix.
- Enable Dual Coloring & Normal Mapping for Top Layer? (Flatland Top Layer)
Triggers the ability to use a secondary color on the Flatland Top Layer (Grass on the Island Biome Preset). This adds to the overall variation in texture coloring giving more realism to the mix.
- Enable Fine Detail Grass Transitioning?
Acts as a height blend and Separates the grass (Top Layer) from the dirt (Bottom Layer) using the displacement texture as an alpha mask. When used with grass, this gives the appearance that individual blades of grass are on top of the dirt, rather than just blobs of rounded masking. When used with sand, for example, this allows for little dunes to show up on top of the dirt, as it’s using the sand’s displacement map to height blend.
- Enable Foothill Tiling Reduction?
This reduces the noticeable tiling of textures used on the Foothill Layer by using a noise pattern to combine differently scaled versions of the Foothill texturing.
- Enable Fuzzy Edge Shading? (Flatland Top Layer)
Fuzzy edge shading allows for a brim light effect meant to be used with things like sand and grass. In reality, the edges of things that are porous or fibrous give the appearance of a slight glow are the edges. This achieves a similar effect and can increase realism.
- Enable Full Transition Noise Displacement for Flat Lands? (Both Top & Bottom Layer)
The large noise displacement on the flatlands is that which separates Grass from Dirt (on the Island Biome Preset, for example). The Flatlands already have a large-scale normal map applied to them to separate, but if you also wish to displace the top from bottom layers differently, this will achieve that effect. This is primarily used on the Tundra setting to make the snow displacement more varied.
- Enable Mountain Top Snow?
Triggers the computation for mountain top snow, Mountain top snow is a Z-axis height function (controlled by the height of the terrain)
- Enable Multi-Slope Transitioning (Cliffs)
Similar to how the Flat lands have multiple texturing sets on them, to differentiate things like dirt and grass, this triggers a similar effect for the Cliffs, allowing for you to have two texture sets for the slope Cliffs.
- Enable Multi-Slope Transitioning (Foothills)
Similar to how the Flat lands have multiple texturing sets on them, to differentiate things like dirt and grass, this triggers a similar effect for the Foothills, allowing for you to have two texture sets for the slope Foothills.
- Enable Noise Transition Between Flatland & Foothill?
This triggers a noise transition blending between Flatlands and the foothills, giving a different effect than just the soft blending between the two, from one material to another that is enabled by default.
- Enable Slope Based Falloff for Foothill Height Blending?
Note: This is only visible if “Enable Auto Foothill Height Blending” is toggled
This setting keeps the foothill height blend texturing from creeping all the way up the side of the mountain. Using this in conjunction with the “Enable Auto Foothill Height Blending?” setting, helps to from seeing tiling caused by the height blending. (these settings and slope intensity can be changed in the Material Blueprint)
- Enable Transition Noise Between Non-Painted Layers?
Enables transition noise patterns across things like the Top and Bottom layers of the Flat lands, and between foothills and Flatlands. Used, for example, to make it look like snow flakes are on the edge of the transitions in the Tundra Biome
- Enable Tri-Planar Projection for Cliffs?
Projects the cliff texture from the sides and straight down, to keep stretching from happening. A standard texture will stretch when applied to a steep cliff, as a default texture is applied just straight down. The Tri-Planar effect projects from all angles to minimize this problem.
- Toggle RVT Distance Blending (Only works with RVT materials)
Switches the standard distance blending of texture sets for one that works with Runtime Virtual Texturing (RVT). By default, normal means of doing distant texture blending don’t work with RVT, this uses a different system to get a similar effect.
- Use Distance Based Texturing for the Top Layer of Flatlands?
Toggles on and off the ability to have distance-based texturing for the Top Layer of the Flatlands (the Grass Layer on the Island map, Dirt would be the Bottom Layer).
- Enable Tri-Planar Projection for Cliffs? (Secondary)
Note: This is only visible if “Enable Multi-Slope Transitioning (Cliffs)” is toggled
Triggers the ability to use Tri-Planar Projection on the second set of texturing used on the Cliffs. Warning though, this increases shader completely by a lot and if not intended to be used for anything but Non-Realtime use as it’s basically doubling the cost of the already expensive Tri/bi-Planar projection that is being used for the regular Cliff texturing.