Controls the tiling size of the regular diffuse texture applied to the Dry Beach Layer – separate from the normal map and displacement (So that fine grain sand is possible, without losing larger details).
Beach Normal & Displacement Scale:
Controls the tiling size of the normal map and displacement map applied to the Dry Beach Layer.
Beach Normal Flatness:
Increases and decreases the normal intensity of the Dry Beach.
Dry Beach Tint:
This controls the overall color tint of the Dry Beach.
Beach Transition Noise Scale:
Controls the tiling size of the noise that is used to separate the Dry Beach Layer from the Flatlands.
Beach Transition Noise Intensity:
Controls the amount that the transition noise is used to separate the Dry Beach from the Flatlands.
Beach Transition Noise Contrast:
Controls the contrast amount that the transition noise uses to separate the Dry Beach from the Flatlands.
Wet Sand
Texture & Color Settings
Wet Beach Tint:
The overall color tint of the wet beach layer (best to just make this slight darker than whatever the dry beach layer’s color is).