After enabling Virtual Texture Support and setting up your terrain to use Runtime Virtual Texturing, you’ll want to start the Widget that will allow you to control the painting process. Here’s how to do that.
Starting the Widget:
- Go to the “M4/Blueprints” folder and right click the file called “PaintBakerInterface” in the right click menu, press “Run Editor Utility Widget”.
- Press the “1) Show Splatmap on Terrain” button to visualize the mask you’re about to bake on the Terrain. After this, it’s best to mess around with the sliders and different settings to get use to the system before proceeding to the next step. Each mask type will be displayed visually on your terrain and the sliders for each category of mask below that, can control them.
- Once you’re ready to bake, type in the name of your Paint Layer (must be exact) in the “Choose the Paint Layer Name” field.
- Press the “2) Bake to Paint Layer” button, then “3) View the Changes on your Previous Material” and you’re your baked Paint Layer should now be displayed on your original material.