Enable the Landmass Plugin
Go up to “Settings” at the top of the Editor and click on “Plugins“, to open the Plugins window.
In the Plugins window type in “Landmass” into the search bar.
Activate the Landmass plugin. Once it’s activated, restart the editor.
Create a New Landscape
On a new level, create a new Landscape by going to “Select Mode” at the top of the editor and clicking “Landscape Mode”.
In the Landscape Menu, we can set the size and dimensions of our new Landscape.
Make sure that “Enable Edit Layers” is NOT toggled on, when creating your landscape. Else the Generator’s changes will not be pushed to the Landscape.
Important: The Terrain Generator currently supports Epic Recommended Landscape Sizes of 505 x 505, 1009 x 1009, 2017 x 2017, 4033 x 4033, and 8129 x 8129.
For more detailed info on the settings contained in the UE Landscape Menu and a list of Epic Recommended Landscape Sizes, please reference the Landscape Technical Guide, written by Epic Games.
Bring in the LandMassPreviewMesh
After the Landscape has been created, go to the M4/Blueprints folder.
Drag and drop into the world, the file called “LandmassPreviewMesh“
This mesh allows us to see our changes in real time and effect the Landscape.
Position the LandmassPreviewMesh
Click on the LandmassPreviewMesh once it’s in the world.
Reset it’s location to 0,0,0. Then we can move it anywhere above the Terrain on the Z Axis.
This step is to ensure that the Erosion Mechanic aligns properly.
Open the Terrain Generator UI
Go to the M4/Blueprints folder and Right Click on the file called “MapMakerInterface“
In the right click menu, press “Run Editor Utility Widget“. This will pop up a window with the Terrain Generator UI in it.
Dock this “Map Maker Interface” window anywhere you wish.
Generate Your First Terrain
From the Terrain Generator UI we can create our first terrain.
When you’re finished, just press the “Bake Noise to Landscape” or “Bake Erosion to Landscape” button to push any changes to the Landscape Actor.
For a full description of what each slider and toggle does in the UI, see this guide here.
Or tick on the “Show Tooltips” toggle near the top of the UI and it will describe each slider as it’s hovered over.
How to Setup the Generator on a New Map in UE5 (Video)
How to Setup the Generator on a New Map in UE4 (Video)
Troubleshooting Tips:
Tip 1:
If nothing is happening after you click “Bake Noise to Landscape” or “Bake Erosion to Landscape“, then make sure that you have “Enable Edit Layers” turned OFF on your landscape, then try baking again. You can turn back on Edit Layers after you’re done using the generator, if you wish.
Tip 2:
If, for any reason, the generator is not detecting the correct size of landscape (after creating one of the supported landscape sizes listed above) then simply click on the “LandmassPreviewMesh” and then change the “Detected Landscape Resolution (Override)” variable to the size of your landscape.
After this is done, click “Back to Defaults” in the MapMakerInterface and it will detect your new landscape size.