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  4. Voxel Plugin – Easy Integration
  5. Creating a Voxel World

Creating a Voxel World

After installing Voxel Plugin and restarting the Editor, the steps below will allow us to create our Voxelized Terrain.

Lets first copy the lighting from one of the maps that comes with M4.

Select all of the lighting actors from the World Outliner on one of the maps that come with M4, right click them and press “Copy

Create a new level. Go up to “File“, click “New Level“, then press “Empty Level“.

Now we can paste in the lighting actors that we copied in previous step. Right click the World Outliner and press Edit > Paste

To add the Voxel World, click “Modes” at the top of the Editor, then press “Voxels“.

Next click the “Add Voxel World” button on the Voxels Menu.

Your map should now look like the image below, with the default Voxel Terrain, ready to be used with the M4 Auto-Materials that we’ll set up in the next steps.

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