M4 now comes with two new and unique paint layers that have many settings (including texture swapping) which can be customized straight from the Material Instance, their names are Custom 01 and Custom 02. To find them, follow the simple guide below.
Navigate to the Landscape Material Instance and open it up.
Type in “custom” into the search bar at the top of the material instance. The settings for the Custom Paint Layers will now show up at the top of the list.
Here, we can swap out textures and adjust multiple settings of the custom Paint Layers.
Tip: Press the Arrow next to the Folder icons, to access even more settings
Note: If you’re using UE5 Megascans Textures, make sure to first toggle on “Enable ORDp Texture Support (use with Megascans)” at the top of the settings shown to the right. Since Megascans in UE5 uses ORDp Textures.
Your Custom Paint Layers can then be easily painted on, from the Landscape Paint Menu.