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  5. World Comp Troubleshooting

World Comp Troubleshooting

Since there’s a lot of different factors that make a landscape performant when using World Composition, with many different ways to achieve the same result, World Comp can kind of be a pain to get into. So, that’s why we have our own dedicated Troubleshooting area here for it.

We’ll go over more of the project specific stuff first (as I get questions I’ll add them here with their solutions). Then as time goes on, the list will build into other issues I’ve seen that are more engine related, and how to solve them. Let’s do this in kind of a Question and Answer format.


When I go to use the Terrain Generator on my World Composition map, then I try to bake, why does it only show up on 1/4th of the map? Seems like there’s something wrong with the Resolution.


Since World Comp is made up of many tiles, the final resolution of the total landscape can sometimes be a weird number, possibly even one that isn’t even supported by the Terrain Generator.

As a solution for this I’ve added a “Detected Landscape Resolution (Override)” slider to the LandmassPreviewMesh, just change that number to one of the supported Landscape Resolutions which is closest to your Landscape’s resolution, then reopen the MapMakerInterface or just hit the “Back to Defaults” button in the UI of it and it will now work.

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